Metroid Another Legend
Release date: Dec 19, 2022
Author: DuoLa Ayu
Download: Download_Ver1.07 (486 downloads)
(102 downloads of previous versions)
Genre: Exploration [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 3:21
Average collection: 46%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
This is my first work. Due to the lack of game design experience, the early process is similar to the original rom. Considering the broken sequence route design, the whole map appears larger and the route is more complex.
Therefore, in order to avoid getting lost, the correct path is indicated through the room downloaded from the MAP ROOM and the SAVE ROOM. This HACK can be cleared by defeat the Mother Brain, which is similar to M1.
Other precautions:
1.Due to the incorrect use of the patch, the customs clearance collection rate value is displayed incorrectly. E tank: 12; Ability:13; Missile Tank:51; Super Missile Tank:35 Power Bomb Tank:20; Total=131%
2.There are several overlapping rooms, and the correct entrance is relatively hidden, which is non-standard in game design. Not good enough.
3.Several no boss routes are designed. And Power Bomb can be obtained by breaking the sequence. However, the entrances are relatively hidden.
4.This hack is not difficult to clear because its process is close to the original. However, it is difficult to collect all items, and speed booster is necessary.
5.Because some items are too hidden, the whole map of the hack will be uploaded for reference.

Thanks for:

Ver1.07: Fix a bug about elevator block in crateria. (Room7)

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Ratings and Reviews
By Meinos Belfort on Dec 19, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
57% in 2:14
1.06 Review

So , the hack is mostly an half hack with some recolor / room amenagement etc...
so why only 2 orb ?

well simply because of a lot of stuff in both way by myself and in game

The edited tilling is bad mostly at the ,start of the game , some even making not any sense like at all.

Vanilla in game settings (meanning damage value dealt / taken)

Don't have any options to change the control to SNES (mostly personnal not taking in count)

Just a very few tweaks / ASM for QoL , and even with that it's not the "good one"

Still the rusty ZM physics (which i have a lot of issue on Rom hack after 2020)

Low effort / pale Gfx recolor for samus for being cleaned up (you can see the old color while shooting / saving , mostly with power and "varia")

There's a bunch more and sadly it could ruin the gameplay pretty fast

i won't say it's fully bad because there is effort and it's shown , even if the result isn't great
so yeah i finished it , but i won't recommend that version , hopping that another one will clean the mess a lot or at least most of it. then maybe i could enjoy it.

Do not recommend for now
By KPF on Dec 25, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
10% in 0:00
If it were possible to give 0 orbs, then I would because this hack is NOT a good hack.
This is a very bad half hack.
I spent over an hour trying to find a way into Kraid's room and couldn't find it.
This makes the game UN-FUN for me.
By Abslb on Jan 09, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
58% in 7:51
There are many imperfect points, many rooms remaining unchanged in this hack, but it does have an interesting exploration line and some intriguing sequence breaks.
Tiling might be strange somewhere but kind of creative.
I gave 4 orbs because I don't think this is as bad as a half hack of 2 orbs or 1.
By FANXINGPRIME on Apr 14, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
A amazing Chinese hack with outstanding rhythm.I do prefer the musics from Rockman ZX.
By Zhs2 on Jun 14, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
57% in 3:21
Janky, but lots of fun. The map is broken in quite a few places (mostly late in the hack in optional areas) and rooms are tiled strangely in others, but none of this really detracts from your experience in terms of exploration and item collection. It's quite casual in difficulty, the only really tough monster I found was the one giant Norfair beast that needed to be defeated with charge beam, and was immune to everything else. It was a strange decision considering you meet several more in a single room three rooms later but you can kill them with anything you like, although you will hesitate after having defeated the first one. Following statue clues entirely can tend to mislead you as well - there is a point where you are pointed to grabbing an item deep in Norfair, but you are not told that there is a major upgrade up in Crateria that you need to proceed on the path down. Half of Tourian and the optional areas connected to it contain rooms from single random tilesets each, mostly from Fusion - you'll jump from a BSL main room into a TRO shaft just by entering a door, and that's just one of many examples. Good ripped music though, if not a bit quiet compared to the interspersed vanilla songs. I definitely recommend it if you want to kill some boredom.

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