M2 M1Samus
Release date: May 29, 2023
Author: MarioFan2468
Download: v1.0 (89 downloads)
Genre: Vanilla+ [?]
Game: M2
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 1:32
Average collection: 100%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: Release Thread
Rating: Pending
i put nestroid samus in m2
its pretty cool

what changed?
graphics for samus and missiles, title screen, end credits (samus cries), hitboxes, y velocity tables replaced with y velocity and gravity variables, animation speeds for walking and spinjumping, ALL NEW ZOOMER BALL (not really new), starting savegame, unmorph midair to fall in the standing position, no more crouching, no more shooting downwards, auto-fire speed, missile speed, bomb explosion rises you by 2 blocks instead of 3, maybe more stuff that i forgot

huge thanks to alex-west disassembly i love this thing its magical

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Ratings and Reviews
By RT-55J on Jun 04, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 1:32
For such a simple premise, this hack is remarkably thorough and well-executed. From the title, the sprite edits, the mechanical changes, to the ending, nearly everything is changed to provide a more nestroid-like experience.

The removal of crouching and aiming down actually have less of a negative effect on the game than you might expect. In fact, the ability to instantly morph feels pretty nice. On the other hand, some of the other removed M2-isms (such as damage boosting and the speedy morph ball) are sorely missed, but such are the sacrifices needed to emulate nestroid.

Highly recommended for sickos like me.

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