Bonemarrowbro's Ratings and Reviews
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Metroid: Oil Spill by Spedimus [MF Exploration], rated by Bonemarrowbro on Sep 21, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
39% in 1:40
Really good for my first Fusion Hack I ever tried.
Difficulty kinda blew me away but I just barely got by with pretty cheesy strats, I also wanna express some greatitude for the fact that you gave players multiple options for going through spaces, like hidden missile blocks next to Speedboost blocks etc etc. Lotta the times I had that lovely feeling like I'm subverting the intent of the game with cleverness and that's a big part of what Metroid is about for me.
Fusion is generally my favorite and I was happy to see that you really get the tension and mood of the base game.
Gotta be honest though I'm not a fan of that one room with the pillars hanging from the ceiling that you want me to scale with just walljumps, I wasn't able to get through it thanks to the final pillar collapsing underneath and me rageleaving but it's whatever, not where I was supposed to go anyway.
Also I manage to get Speedbooster kinda early and jump on top of the ship and beat the game without killing Yakuza so that was kinda cool and surprising and fun.

But yeah in the end I found the hack really succesful and fulfilling and I rly wanna see more hacks like this in the future. Thanks for sharing it with everyone.