James Horn's Ratings and Reviews
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V I T A L I T Y by Digital_Mantra [SM Exploration], rated by James Horn on Nov 14, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
77% in 7:09
I am a huge fan of Eris and I was super excited to try V I T A L I T Y. I must say I am far from disappointed; I was completely blown away! I was constantly stopping and admiring the art and fantastic level design. Every area feels so lavish and alive, just absolutely gorgeous. The story was superb, I wish I was a streamer because there were so many moments I found myself screaming with excitement! The ending was so well done! (Don't want to give away spoilers, but the way you tied it to the YOU-KNOW-WHAT franchise was so brilliant! My love for Super Metroid has been resurrected! Lol, it was never dead, but you know what I mean.)

I like how non-linear the world is, although it did end up to bite me in the ass a couple times. I'm pretty sure there's a door you can only access once after beating a boss? I kept trying to get back to that area but could not. I also got to Ridley super early with barely any upgrades and energy tanks, so I must say a good chunk of my playthrough was just trying to kill Ridley over and over, it was very painful lol.

I love the "Rated R" aspect as well. The first time I died I was so happy lol. It felt great to play Super Metroid as it was originally intended and the gore factor really made it feel the way it always should have been too.

Definitely felt the AM2R inspiration and a lot of GBA feeling moments also, which was awesome! The custom sprite work and music were also fantastic. So insanely impressed with this! I will definitely be playing it again soon! Thank you so much for your dedicated work and continued contributions to the Metroid Community!