Item Cancel Blank HUD
Release Date: May 11, 2017
Type: Assembly
Rating: Pending
[download] .asm file (414 downloads)
[forum] Forum Post
Game: SM
Pressing item cancel will clear 3 rows of 16 tiles between the reserve icon & the minimap.
Letting go of item cancel will use some pretty poor code to "restore" the vanilla hud.

Includes a small feature from vanilla.
If you've ever held item cancel & pressed item switch, you get the flashing one shot.
Well it's pretty cool, so now the selected item will flash.

Instructions where to place secondary hud code in the asm.
This will not be compatible with your hijack points.

If anyone can set a delay timer on the button check, plz post.
It doesn't look so well without one.

$143 bytes bank $80.
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