Quick Respawn + Death count + etank bar combine
Release Date: Feb 03, 2020
Author: Lioran, Tewtal
Type: Assembly
Rating: Pending
[download] .asm file (382 downloads)
Game: SM
This patch will do 3 things, they all work in conjunction for Kaizo type hacks.

When you die it just black screen and load the save instantly so there is about 1-2 second delay between you dying and moving again. The music doesn't restart if it's the same music in the save room as well.

there is a death counter up top the etank bar, increases when you die, tied to the save file so it keeps track of it, can go up to 999999 death incase your hack is played in purgatory. don't need to save to record it, so its reset safe. Includes a skull sprite edit for the hud, screenshot included to show which one is used if you used that slot already you can edit it.

Also to accommodate the death counter, the second row of etank has been combined with the first one, see screenshot.

It uses lots of free space, I made it easy for you to repoint the space slot, just edit the !freespace variables

Edit: fix it so when starting from new SRAM the first file in a slot was showing a bugged number, the patch has proper init on SRAM init now.
Edit2: the map was not reloading when dying, made it so the map reload properly. if your hack doesn't use the map you can comment that load map JSL I added

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