BlackMage's Ratings and Reviews
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One Mind by FreyasSpirit [SM Vanilla+], rated by BlackMage on Dec 26, 2018 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 2:26
Does what it says on the tin. Played through it with my brother with whom I've previously done a playthrough where each of us was in control of half the buttons, so for us, this was a different spin on that whole thing.

Only the beginning was difficult, mostly climbing Red Tower for early Power Bombs. From that point on, it mostly got easier. After getting Varia, we basically played as if we were playing on our own, just with less walljumping. Press vaguely the same stuff as eachother and adjust for any errors, without alternating our controls.

The visual representation of who's controlling Samus is pretty janky. There's no way to see who is in control while you have your beam charged, while you're morphed or while spinjumping with Screw Attack.

So all in all, this was kind of disgusting to play, but in a good way. It was a one-time thing for sure, I never want to play this hack again lol
Super Metroid: Ascent by Benox50 [SM Exploration], rated by BlackMage on Nov 17, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 7:21
Nothing much to say that hasn't been said before, except: I love Boost Ball, what an amazing Item. Instantly accelerates you, can be cancelled out of while allowing you to keep your speed, gives you absurd underwater mobility AND allows you to clip through the floor. What more can you want out of an item?

To clip with Boost Ball: Activate it, immediately re-press dash, then quickly tap up to unmorph and while still sliding, tap, but don't hold, the direction you're facing. You'll stand up and immediately clip into the floor. On flat surfaces, you'll only be pushed one tile down. Doing it on slopes can push you 3+ tiles down, softlocking you. I don't think this trick has many practical applications, but it's fun to mess around with!