CalvinGBC's Ratings and Reviews
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Super Metroid: True Boss Rush by KT JDDD [SM Unknown], rated by CalvinGBC on Jan 27, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
57% in 0:21
No Golden Torzio. A good boss rush if you want to learn the behavior of each boss. Hard mode has some changes.
Super Metroid Arcade : Endless mode by Lioran, Tewtal [SM Quick Play], rated by CalvinGBC on Feb 07, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
A great idea and a great hack. There are so many positive things said about this hack, which have been said already and I wholeheartedly agree, so please see the other reviews for that information.

I have played this hack extensively and I have found a few things out that I would like to mention.

- The rooms tend to repeat a lot in some seeds. You have to be patient in collecting items. After you've collected a substantial arsenal, more rooms open up. This means, however, that if you get a few bad runs in a row, you will see many of the same rooms over and over again in the early parts of your run.
- In all the runs I've done, mostly on "Normal", "Hard", and "Arcade", I have yet too see Golden Torizo, Ridley, Mother Brain, Crocomire, and Spore Spawn.
- I believe I have found am impassable room. There is a room where you need to Power Bomb some blocks to create a path so you can Shinespark. You can enter this room without collecting Power Bombs, therefore you cannot destroy the blocks, then you cannot Shinespark to get to the required door. A Shinespark isn't necessarily required, but you do need to be running fast enough to get enough momentum to make a very long jump off a slope. Unfortunately, this is a run-killer. There is no way to pass this room (that I am aware of). I will update this review if I find any more information in regards to this.

- Review the literature of this game! See the readme and the description, There will be rooms with sand that you may think are impassable but in fact are passable if you use the technique mentioned in the literature.